A collection of thoughts, ideas and insights over the years...it's rough..nothing in common between them except Jesus...hence why this is called Jesus notes. Surrender. Holiness. Obedience. Gods …
Urgent Abidance
As I spend the first few awake minutes of 2017 with Jesus & Coffee. I'm weighted with these words "Abidance" + "Urgent". Abide from John 15 is all about proximity to Jesus. Being intimate, in …
A Dream
I don't have many spiritual dreams that involve prostitutes that wake me up at 2:45'ish am but this was good. It happened few weeks ago: I was back in Egypt at a spot where I used to hang out …
Letters from my wife on my 37th birthday (PG-13)
One of the greatest things I found in my email the morning I turned 37 was this message from my beautiful wife Cindy. I wanted to find a way to spur you on as you begin your 37th year, so each day …
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A Harsh Jesus
Reading scripture like Luke 9:4-5 4 And whatever house you enter, stay there, and from there depart. 5 And wherever they do not receive you, when you leave that town shake off the dust. Luke …
A New Year. A New Prayer
Beginning of every year I like to spend some time in prayer before everybody wakes up. I shared my predominant thought with my band of brothers. A group of Godly men that strive to walk blamelessly …