The original 12 disciples were regular people that spent 3 years with Jesus. They ate, drank & traveled with him. They did life with him & they were saturated with His lifestyle!
Discipleship today should not be much different. It’s always about Christ’s lifestyle, about his word & His teachings!
The focus of discipleship should not be focused on reinforcing the “Do not do list” but rather the focus ought to be on Christ. When we come to a deep understanding of what it means to be fully redeemed and have been given a new life out of utter grace that comes with a new identity, only then does everything else false in place & Christ can begin to sanctify us.
I was reminded of this a few days ago after watching a video of a dad putting several bullets in his daughters laptop because she was disrespectful. He meant for the video to be seen by her friends on facebook to teach her a lesson but instead the video went viral and was one of the top trended topics on Google.
This caught him by surprise. Below are his words (copied from his Facebook page) few hours into it when he started receiving 100s of friend requests.
“Never again in my entire life will I ever do anything that garnishes this much attention, both positive and negative. I really wished we’d been prepared or something… this seems like a great time to stand up and say “Stay in School” and “Drugs are bad” and so many other things. I’m just not that complex a person to know what to do with it. Never again will I have the opportunity to speak to so many people about anything.. and instead I’m sitting here stupefied.” -Tommy Jordan
It’s obvious that he woke up on that day under the spot light & he wasn’t ready!
High school & college plays a huge role in shaping the character of an individual. Decisions are being made that could make or break the rest of a student’s life.
Discipleship addresses these by bringing Christ in the middle of these decisions so that instead of them being influenced by whatever circles they are engaged in, they are the ones driving the influence & making a difference & not just in their own lives.
Discipleship is about gazing upon Christ & allowing him to transform our lives to fully understand our role in His kingdom. Only then can we start bearing fruits & being part of the solution to a dying world.
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