“I want a….Legacy!” said the prime minister of one of the larger southern tribes in Zambia to Timothy and I as we had dinner in Livingstone, Zambia to discuss the expansion of Project Samuel’s second orphanage site.
Timothy Vowell started Project Samuel in 2005 after dreaming of Light coming out of the nation of Zambia. For the past 9 years he, along with a dedicated team of missionaries have built a ministry serving “at risk” children as well as the local community in the Chibombo district (central province of Zambia), by offering permanent housing for orphan care, education, business training, discipleship, mentorship, and job training.
The Lord has been prompting Timothy to start another Project Samuel site in the southern province. In a tribal culture, like that of Zambia, it is customary to meet with the chief of the tribe and the political council to get their approval as well as to grant land for the project. Through several connections, a meeting with the chief’s prime minister was set.
Timothy had asked me to join him on the trip from Lusaka to Livingstone (8 hours by bus) to meet with the tribe officials, which I gladly accepted. Between the meetings with the chief’s council, I had the opportunity to visit Victoria Falls, one of God’s masterpieces on earth as well as go on a short African Safari. What a treat that was!
Prior to the meeting, we were praying for favor with the chief and his council. We were so encouraged to see how receptive the prime minister was after hearing us talk about the vision and the proven strategies of Project Samuel. The prime minister quoted scripture from the gospel of Matthew and said “I believe in what you believe”. What a blessing and an answer to prayers!
Our team of 7 men (3 spiritual generations of disciples) from Faithbridge; my church in North Houston, had the privilege of spending several days in Zambia serving along side the missionaries that sacrificed so much to be there long term.
We arrived late Saturday (July 12th) and the team was asked to deliver the Sunday message in 3 local churches the following day. Shawn and I had the privilege of sharing the gospel and teach about the diversity yet unity of the body Christ from 1st Corinthians 12 at one of the local churches.
The team spent most of the time getting to know the children as well as the locals, while serving in different capacities. Our day began at 6:30am and didn’t end till midnight and many times later.
In the evenings, when the children were back from school together we played frisbee, baseball and soccer.
In the mornings & afternoons we worked alongside the Zambian staff and assisted them in various projects that were aimed at building additional housing for the children, self sustaining the ministry, and providing job opportunities for the locals.
On the last day our team conducted a business training for the locals where over 40 people attended. We started by sharing the gospel and teach practical methods of leadership, task planning and business growth.
We did a team building exercise to demonstrate the value of the community working together. We used the story of Nehemiah building the wall as an example. Everybody seemed to have enjoyed and understood the message.
Timothy is planning on visiting Zambia again later this year to meet the chief and complete the process of securing land for the second site in Zambia. Spending 3 days traveling with him and talking about God’s kingdom, business, entrepreneurship, discipleship, calling, missions, micro-finance, parenting, marriage and other topics was priceless!
The time spent at Project Samuel offered a great opportunity for our team to encourage and speak truth in the lives of the children, locals and missionaries. Many Zambians were surprised and appreciative that we flew thousands of miles to come and share our lives with them. We witnessed God do great things in both their lives and ours.
Considering we traveled 44 hours on a plane, 16 hours on a bus and 12 in the car, we praise God for giving us the energy to do this! Each and everyone on the team was thrilled to be exhausted for the gospel as well as for the children and the leaders that lead project Samuel.
I praise the Lord that exactly 2 days prior to my departure date, I was able to raise all the funds needed to go. Wow! Thank you!!!! Thanks for your partnership through financial support and prayers in reaching and influencing many lives for Christ.
What a privilege it is to be part of God’s Kingdom work in the country of Zambia!
On mission,
P.S If you wish to support Project Samuel please consider sponsoring a child by visiting http://www.projectsamuel.org/sponsor-a-child/.
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