One ofย the greatest thingsย I found in my email the morning I turned 37 was this message from my beautiful wife Cindy.
I wanted to find a way to spur you on as you begin your 37th year, so each day for the next 37 days, I’ll be sending you an email to encourage you and to show you just how wonderful you are.
Day 1
I admire the way you are always pushing yourself to do better with your walk with Christ, your fitness, your work, your life. So many people become complacent where they are at, but I love that you continually push yourself to do better.
I love you. And your hot๐๐
Day 2
I love how you are missional with your work and with your employees. I love how you impact the lives of those who work for you. I love that your employees look up to you and see you as more than “just a boss”. You lead your team well and they see Christ in you as you lead them. I love that you bring Christ into the workplace and share the Gospel with them regularly and spread the gospel in the Philippine’s by sponsoring Christmas/VBS outreaches. What a blessing to be a part of sweet little ones learning about Jesus.
I was so proud of you and so challenged by your encouragement and support to Celdy as she dealt with her sons heart problems and need for emergency surgery. I love how you stepped into her families life and helped them in a hopeless situation. What a blessing to get to be a little boys Godfather because you allowed the Lord to use you. I admire and respect you more than you will ever know.
I love you..And again you’re HOT โค๐
Day 3
I absolutely love the way you keep me and everyone around you laughing all through life! No matter how stressed or worried or anxious I am, you always manage to put a smile on my face and keep me laughing while pointing me to Christ all at the same time! You are truly a blessing and I’m so thankful for you. Thanks for always making me laugh. It’s one of the things I love about you!
I love you and you’re still hot ๐๐
Day 4
My love,
I love how creative you are. Seriously, I love all of the creative dreams, businesses, ideas, and thoughts that run through your head and heart. I love the idea of having a web presence to encourage other entrepreneurs who are believers. I love that a while back you shared your dream about writing a book. I want to encourage you to continue to be creative and pursue things that reflect the heart of Christ and the passions and creativity he has uniquely gifted you with. I love you. And I love Sunday afternoon naps with you ๐๐๐
Day 5
Today I asked the girls what some of their favorite things about you are. Addie said she loves when you cuddle with her and hang out. She said she also likes caring and sharing with you. Mia said her favorite thing is chuck e cheese…I’m pretty sure she didn’t understand the question, lol!
I have to say that I love the influence you have on our girls and the potential to mold and shape them into power houses for Jesus. I love that they look for you for guidance and for affirmation. I love that they see you as someone they want to model themselves after. So thankful that I get to have you as my partner in parenthood! I love you!
And you’re hot;)
Day 6
Oh my love,
I absolutely love that you love me even when Iโm a butt. Thank you for seeing me as Christโs work in progress instead of writing me off as helpless. I know I have a LONG way to go, but so thankful that you take the time and patience to love me so well through my sin and selfishness. Thank you for spurring me on and encouraging me to do better when Iโm in a low moment or season. Thank you for being the spiritual leader in my life and in our family and for leading us well.
So incredibly thankful that I get to do life with you…And that I get to do you โคโค ๐โค๐
Day 7
I love how strong you are physically, emotionally and spiritually. I love that you take care of your body, but I also love how you can handle so much that life throws your way with grace and strength and by leaning into Christ. I pray that our girls grow to be strong like daddy. That their walk would be so strong and powerful that no matter what trials come their way, they would be strong like daddy and lean into Christ for their strength like daddy does. I love you and I’m thankful for the beautiful example you are to our girls.
I love you! And you’re hot๐
Day 8
I love how intelligent you are. I love that when you decide you want to learn something, you put your mind to it and study and read and listen to talks to gain more understanding until you know it inside and out. I love that as you work, you are constantly researching other things to try and how you move beyond the learning phase to actually acting on what you’ve learned, whether that’s at work and in all your nerdy computer stuff or in your walk with Christ. I’m so proud of you and all you’ve accomplished I life and I can’t wait to see what else the Lord has in store for you.
Day 9
Today I’m thankful for the way you take care of me and for coming to my rescue when I need you the most. Yesterday I was in such excruciating pain and I’m not sure what I would have done if you hadn’t arranged for your mom to come and take over with the kids. I’m so blessed by you and I’m so thankful for you.
I’m so thankful for your compassionate heart towards me. I know it doesn’t come naturally for you, but thank you for loving me well and for taking care of me.
I want you to know that you are a beautiful reflection of Christ’s love. Not just in that 1 situation from yesterday, but in so many others as well…Not just in my life, but in the lives of those around you that you have such a huge impact on.
Can’t wait to see how the Lord uses you to change the world.
Day 10
I love your entrepreneur skills. The Lord has uniquely gifted you with a desire to build a business and to use the business and web world for His glory. While there is so much yucky stuff on the web, I’m glad that you are playing a part in creating a web business that will give the glory to God. I love that you are constantly fueling your employees with the word of God and pushing them towards their God given potential. You are amazing and I’m so thankful I get to watch from the sidelines and get to pray alongside of you as you build a business to the glory of God. You’re doing great and I know the Lord will bless your efforts as you continue to pursue and honor Him through your work.
Day 11
I love how spontaneous you are. I love that in a matter of minutes, you decided to build a table and here we are, building something together that I’m SO excited about. I love that you have found something that we can do together. I love the closeness i feel to you when we do projects together. Whether it’s working our tails off with all the crazy Costco stuff or building a table together, I’ve had so much fun just being by your side doing it. I know it’s silly, but I truly just enjoy your presence in my life and I love just getting to journey with you, crazy ideas and all;)
Day 12
I love that you are not always wanting more and more of the physical stuff. Yes, we both have seasons of discontentment, but overall, I know that you choose to be content with the cars we have, the house we have, the stuff we have rather than choosing to be in debt to have nicer things. I could not imagine the life we’d have if we were in debt over our heads because we wanted stuff more than we wanted the freedom we have being debt free. I’m so glad that because you chose to be content, the Lord blessed us with enough to allow you to follow your dream of being an entrepreneur. It’s such a blessing to me to see you get to do something you love to do rather than having to go to work each day to a place you hate just to make money to fund stuff. Grateful for all I have with you.
I love you more than you can imaging!
Day 13
Hey handsome man!
Today I want to remind you of your identity in Christ. I’ve seen a transformation in you in the years that we’ve been married that has come to fruition as you’ve embraced your identify in Christ. I’ve loved watching you grow in your walk and have loved watching you teach and remind people of their identity in Christ. One example that comes to mind is Shawn. Seeing the growth he’s had because you stepped into his life and pointed him to Christ and helped him to see his identity in Christ is beyond amazing. The Lord not only has been capturing your heart, but has also allowed you to be used to capture others for Christ. What an amazing testimony and legacy that you are creating. I love your passion for Jesus and your desire to bring other men closer in their walk with Him. I have no doubt that the Lord will continue to give you a platform to speak truth and point others to Him. You are a kingdom changer!
Day 14
My love,
Today I’m thankful that you are a man who is courageous and stands strong on the promises of God. I can’t imagine how hard it was for you to follow God when He called you away from Quantlab and into the unknown. I’m so thankful that you chose to follow through with the Lord’s leading instead of staying at a place that of holy discontentment. So proud of you!
Day 15
I love your perseverance. I love that you can hang tight to Christ in the midst of trials. I love that you didn’t know what this word meant at our wedding, but it’s so represents who you are.
Day 16
I love your persistence. I love how you push forward and how you don’t give up. I know you are sometimes discouraged by the business or things in life, but I encourage you to keep pushing forward towards Christ and I know everything else will work out for His glory.
Day 17
I want to point out the gift you have of talking to complete strangers and making them feel like you are hearing them (even the ones you are actually annoyed by, lol). So many people feel so invisible in this life, but I love sitting here and watching you as you talk to people around us. The customers and the other sellers.
Day 18
I love your mind. I love that you think things through and wrestle with God for answers. I love that you are always thinking and using the talents and intelligence that the Lord has blessed you with to advance your work and your walk with the Lord.
Day 19
I love what a hard worker you are. I know it has to be so hard to start something from nothing, but I know that as you follow Christ and continue to put in the hard work that it takes to build a business that you will be successful in it. I have complete confidence that you can do this and do it well and I love that you are doing something you enjoy and are working hard to build it and I can’t wait to see where the Lord takes this.
Day 20
I love that you really are a cheerful giver. I love that you do not hold on to the things of this world, but that as the Lord leads, you choose to follow his calling for your life and the money he has blessed us with.
Day 21
I love that you serve the Lord and are actively involved at church and not just a church go-er. So many men take a back seat when it comes to leading their family to church, but I love that you are right there leading the way. I love that your love for Christ shines so brightly and how you reflect Him so beautifully. Thanks for being so involved at church and showing the kids how to be actively involved in the mission of making more and stronger disciples of Christ that make more and stronger disciples of Christ. Not just at church, but in the way you live and connect with others.
Day 22
I love that you are a man of integrity and that you choose the hard right over the easy wrong. I know there are times that you feel defeated by different struggles in life, but I know without a doubt in my heart that your hearts desire is to live for Christ and to honor him with your life.
Day 23
I love your passion for spreading the gospel. I know you don’t see yourself as a missionary, but when I look at you, I see a man that others come to for advise, direction and to serve as a life check. You point people to Christ daily without even realizing it. I love watching guys like Shawn grow in their faith because of your influence in their life. I love that his family has been transformed because of you pouring into his life and challenging him to follow Christ more intensely. I know that you are stretched for time and I’m not forcing anything on you, but I do want you to start discipling again when you feel ready to do so. You are truly gifted in this way and I know how excited you are when you start to see change in others. I know your impact is so far reaching that you don’t even see it. Imagine the number of patients, friends, neighbors, co-workers that have seen the transformation in Shawn and how all of that points them to Christ. Your impact is HUGE. Praise God for the gift he’s given you to spread his word with such clarity while being firm but gentle. Such a gift you have.
I love you and you’re super super hot ๐
Day 14
I love that you know the word of God. It’s not just something you read and forget, but I love that you can really get so much out of your quiet times with him and in the Bible. I love waking up and finding you in your chair in the office reading and spending some quiet time with the Lord. It’s such a gift to be able to see the transformation that has happened in your life over the years. I’m so thankful for you and so much more in love with you now than ever.
I love you!!!
Day 25
I love your patience in teaching new things to people. I see this over and over again when you work with Adeline with homework, learning new words, and learning new skills. I also experienced it when you were teaching me how to use a saw, how to stain wood/work with wood and when you patiently explained the different cuts and adjustments we needed to make to make the table 6 feet instead of 8. I’ve so loved working on these projects with you and I can’t wait to build the pergola next!
Day 26
I love the way you take charge of a situation and how you can access it and come up with a plan of action. I love that in the midst of chaos you can remain calm and can think clearly and concisely to come up with a plan of action. It’s one of the many characteristics you have that make you such a great leader!
Day 27
I absolutely LOVE how well you love me. I LOVE that you put so much time and effort into making the absolute perfect gift for me for my birthday. I love and am so thankful that on my first birthday without my mom, my hardest birthday ever, you gave me the perfect gift to remind me of both your love for me as well as God’s grace and love for me. I’m so incredibly thankful for you and for the beautiful desk and card. I love just looking at it an enjoying the beauty of it and the thoughtfulness and hard work that you put into making the perfect gift. I love you more than ever and I’m so blessed to get to be your wife. I love you more than you can imagine.
Day 28
I love the way you invest in teaching the girls the word of God. I love that as you read the Bible with them, you stop and ask challenging questions that make them think and really understand the beauty of the Bible. I love that the questions you ask help them see on their little kid level the beauty of God and how they can live for Him. I love that you are pointing them to Christ and teaching them to follow him. I’m so thankful that you are their (and my) spiritual leader and I want to encourage you to lean into Christ so you can lead your family well. I know that your teaching and leading will have an eternal impact on them, so I encourage you to continue to do it and to do it even more. I love that I get to be led by you. Thank you for leading your family well.
I love you!!!
Day 29
I love your physical strength and that you desire to take care of your body and health. I love that exercise is part of your daily routine. I love that you are cautious about what you put into your body. It’s a huge change from shopping for anything that cost less than a dollar back in your college days;) LOL
Day 30
I love that you have the ability to see good in all circumstances. I love that you chose to be thankful and trust God in the midst of uncertainty. I love that you have the patience and the persistence to seek God in the midst of trials. The way you handle hard times in life has been so encouraging to me and its been a beautiful example of trusting and hoping in Christ no matter your situation or the outcome.
Day 31
You have such a gift of discernment. The Lord has blessed you with the ability to step back and see truth in situations and to be able to assess a person or situation with prayerful wisdom, clarity and discernment. This gift from the Lord will continue to be used in your leadership roles that the Lord has entrusted you with.
Day 32
I love that you don’t shy away from a challenge. It’s something that I struggle with at times. Sometimes I’m up for a challenge, but other times I give up before I even start or with the first sign of defeat, but I love that you push through to reach a goal. It’s such a powerful reflection of your commitment to excel in what you’ve been entrusted with.
Day 33
I love that you are so brave in so many ways. One of the things I’ve absolutely LOVED watching you do is officiating Matt and Landon’s weddings and watching you those times you spoke in student ministry. I love watching the whole process of you preparing, praying, writing, thinking, and speaking. It’s such a gift to be able to watch you grow in that way and it’s a special treat to get to watch you excel in teaching/preaching to others. I wish I could see you in action on your mission trips. I know the Lord will use you powerfully to speak to others.
Day 34
I love that you are truly an example of a man that desires to live for Christ. Our girls are so lucky to have a daddy that genuinely wants to live a life that glorifies Christ and I’m so thankful that I get to be your wife. I can’t even explain how much joy it brings to my heart to see the growth in your life and to see you transform into the man God created you to be. You are a beautiful example of Christ to me and to our girls.
Day 35
I love that you desire to do everything in life with excellence. It’s a huge testimony of your character. I know the Lord will continue to bless your efforts as you run towards His calling for your life and for our family. I’m so thankful that you chose to serve and live in excellence. Perfection is not the goal, but progress is and you’ve done a great job moving towards a life lived in excellence.
Day 36
I love how disciplined you have become over the years. Seeing you each morning in your office spending time with the Lord is so refreshing to my soul. Hearing you wake up at 4:30 am to go workout is so inspirational and challenging to me. I know I’ve been pretty undisciplined over the last many months as I’ve been struggling emotionally, but watching your persistence in each of these areas has made me desire to start trying again.
Day 37
The Lord has given you so many gifts and talents that I’ve tried to highlight over the last month. I pray that as you realize just how beautifully crafted you are, that this will encourage you to continue to pursue Christ in everything. I know without a shadow of a doubt that as you continue to pursue Him, He will lead you in the direction that you should go and that we should go as a family. I will always be by your side in whatever the Lord leads us to individually and as a family. I’m so excited to see what the Lord has in store for your life this year and in the years to come.
I know that you will be used to bring others to a saving grace in Jesus. I know that He will use you in powerful ways and I know that he has uniquely created you to fulfill His calling in your life and I’m so excited I get to be part of that. You are truly a blessing.
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him”.
May that be the theme of our family as you lead us well. Thank you for all you do. I am beyond grateful for you.
I love you and you are super hot;)
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