A collection of thoughts, ideas and insights over the years…it’s rough..nothing in common between them except Jesus…hence why this is called Jesus notes.
Surrender. Holiness. Obedience.
Gods purpose is for us to be with God as family. Ephesians 1:4 created blameless. Genesis 1. Ephesians 4:13 Purpose is to be with God with him. until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. (Ephesians 4:13)
For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. (Romans 8:29 NIV)
It is not a sacrifice to chose “less”. It’s not a sacrifice to choose “glory” it’s a pleasure & an honor that I get to partake &be invited to by God. It’s not a sacrifice to choose a small car or a house. You get to spend your time doing and enjoying God’s mission & using the gifts he’s given you. There is no sacrifice here. Wake up.
God wants the maximum utility of assets. Not 10% not 20%. But MUA!
Company called “dosent”(spelling) that does research for Christian stats
Faith, trust, love are things that do not depend on feelings. The culture taps into that. Movies tell u that love is something you feel constantly. That’s why feeling fade, we get disappointed. Love is a choice followed by an action.
God won’t ask u to do anything that he didn’t do himself. Hence Jesus
Isaiah (man of unclean lips) look up (to God), look in (in heart), look out (take the message to the world. “isiah said HERE AM I, SEND ME LORD!)
God reveals himself not to show how bad/filthy we are but rather to show the potential of what you could become.
You’re not showing myself to destroy me but rather to uphold. Look up to God. This gap is how much God is willing to go to redeem us.
Reasons for not sharing christ
1. Fear of community/status
2. Ashamed of our life-John10:10 If you trade your life with a non believer would it be a trade up or down
3. Confusion of what evangelism is. It’s not “I have the solution”. It’s “I’ll walk with you, as you know Christ & grow”
Process of evangelism (Andy stanley)
1. Awareness of messenger
2. Respect the messenger
3. Link between the messenger & the gospel
4. Awareness of the bible’s relevance in the messengers life style
5. Interest in the bible
6. Star to hear the gospel story
7. Begins to understand the gospel
8. Recognize the personal need
9. Surrendering and trusting Christ
God saved you. He gives you a mission, you have a calling/respond, He then equips you
– in the success of every Godly mission there is a priest that prays, a prophet that preaches, a king that leads/inspires
-when u suffer well. Christ will be beautiful
-God speaks..I move. That’s how it should be
-lord, please make me dangerous
Things to do to my wife:
1. Small prayer before I leave bed
2. Pray before I leave home for her day
3. Do an evening service (dinner/laundry)
4. Kiss & Pray before bed
– u should talk to urself more than listen to ur self. Don’t listen to negative thoughts talk to urself and change it!
-the lord that delivered me from the lion and bear will deliver me from this man! He David says. 1 samuel 17. Trust what he did to what he’ll do again
-r u fit to change the world starting from urs. Makw a difference
-use me through my weakness not inspite of
-U don’t need to use them. U’ve been given all. U don’t to take something. U’ve been complete
-Character = Edge
-need an inspriing race that was ran well so it can inspire u to run well!
Jacob 10 elisah 11 david 66 chapters
-God has built great character in David
-talent with no character will get u places u don’t want to be at
Talrnted people can wreck their ship of life with a bigger splash than non-talented people
Talent can get u there. Character will keep u there!!
-if u have faith to move mountains but no love then it means NOTHING!
-endurnace builds character
– if we are sinful and vant stand injustice. How do u imagine our holy God reacting to our deathly sins
-jesus asked us to be like Him and not like the father. Act like the son not like the father.
-christmas is light. Hope! Not approximating life to jesus
-shkapere/ jesus write himself
-we trust him because of what he did. He will do it again. I borrowed money, I returned it. Now I can borrow again. I am trusted. He came. Died. Suffered for me. He WILL come again for me. No doubt!
-how great would it be if u are in great need for money for a mission and u run into a guy that has money with heart for ur mssion. Same thing if ur heart is for god and he surprises ur heart by giving his full power. !!!
-dont u hate it when a developper introduces a bug and u have to wait for him to fix it. Invite jesus to fix it!
-being at a strange place knowing nobody is strange. But if u know somebody that knows everybody it makes it easyier. That somebody is Jesus when u r in remote place bringing the msg.
-God…..Use me!
-You can easily flow like water in the path of least resitance
-will this make me grow
-Be anxious about nothing, for everything else let your request be known to GOD.
-The righous grows stronger while the lost grows weak
-are u
A King,
A Warrior
A Lover
A Friend ?
Christianity is not about being the center of attention but part of something beautiful
-first 3 days he created structure. Second 2 he created fish and animals that fill in the void. In the 6 day he created man “LIFE” on his image, that brings sense to all that.
– how could u enjoy life away from the creator of life
super natural (gods word)
natural (prayer)
Puzzel life god puts it together ›
Are your priorities reflect the priorities of who i follow??
How did God gift u!?
The 5 Love Languages
1. Words of affirmation. 1st Cor. 8:1
2. Acts of service 1st John 3:18
3. Gifts eph 5:25 (not a single culture that did not expressed love with gifts)
4. Quality time (undivided attention ) Mark 3:14
5. Physical Touch Mark 10:13-16
The 5 Apology Languages
1. Expressing regret – psalm 51:17 (tell the details of what u r sorry about)
2. Accept responsibility – Luke 15:21 (Some people can’t admit they r wrong)
3. Making restitution (offering) Luke 19:8 (make up for it)
4. Genuine repentance. Acts 2:38 – express the desiring to change
5. Requesting forgiveness – Psalm 51:2 only saying sorry without asking forgiveness doesn’t show true apology. Forgiveness is the only Christ-like response to an apology.
Forgiveness will never come naturally because we are children of wrath.
2nd law of thermo dynamics. Things unattended tend to decay & dissapear Ex. Rust
Non Euclidean geometry (Euclidean, hyperbolic, elliptic) will define facts that are so coherent within itself but makes no sense outside of it’s domain
E’s of destruction.
Encounter entertain expedite explain excuse
Two motivations to get something done. Fear of what behind. Joy of whats ahead. A good leader helps shine the spot light on what’s aheadl
It’s always easier to redirect someone on the move rather than resurrect someone that is dead.
Experience vs movement, a purpose a result, an action.
-be a church in these counties, otherwise people get greedy & they doubt your true purpose.
– start small, define your process & stick to it otherwise the county’s culture will define it and you will not be making a difference.
-very clear action what we want from them. When we delegate people.
Self sustaining ministry units. Part time salary for < $50/month
A ship is safe in the harbor but that’s not what ships are for.
Organizations measure what matters to them.
Be preped to give a reason for the hope in you. Not the doctrine in you
How are we using our house as a weapon for the gospel?
Practices without the word of God & the gospel will only produce self righteous & self centered community
Mission is about people, not projects.
How is your practice fostering obedience in the people you’re leading?
Discipleship is not additional, it’s intensional.
1. Know the story: do i know god story .. am iI living Gods story
2. Listen. Am I listening to God & people’s story
3. Celebrate: join the celebration, bring the best wine
4. Eating: am I eating with people I want to disciple
5. Bless: pray for 3 people to bless each week
6. ReCreate: rest & create beauty
Unconscious incompetence -> conscious competence ->
Don’t just teach bible but lead them to a life that shows them that they need it!!!
It’s kingdom & covenant (personal salvation). Not just covenant!
If you take Christ out of the equation then there is nothing to become like.
Don’t trust Christ for what he can do to you but rather for who He is.
Don’t allow Jesus to become a character in a book that God uses to meet your needs & inspire you.
Can you get your family to think, believe & even celebrate that it’s ok if you die for Christ.
Love: let’s stop romanticizing love & instead ask questions like “are you ready to suffer, sacrifice with & for the other person.” Thanks Christ’s love
Jesus always INVITED then CHALLENGED the people: COME then GO!….,YOU feed the people, dad Jesus.
Jesus creates a culture of high invitation, High challenge: empower / Discipling
High invitation, low challenge: becomes cozy, comfortable, shallow
High challenge, low invite: BORING
We’re not raising kids, we’re preparing adults.
What story does everything speak?
Fear power. Shame & honor. Guilt innocence.
The disciples took off scared after Christ was arrested, they were trying to find out what to do next. But we read that they transformed and later were willing to die for it. What happened, what changed? They saw the risen Jesus! They now know that everything he taught the past 3 years was 100% real!
Dealing with money;
1. Trust The Lord
2. Be good to people, good cares about people. Be generous
3. Work hard. Don’t slack all day
The diligent hand will rule. Do it well & you won’t stand before obscure men, you’ll stand before men.
4. Be content with what you have
5. Be patient & understand delayed gratification.
Our standard of living should never surpass our standard of giving
6. Get around people that are good at it.
7. Repent
5 transformations for discipleship
1. surrender to Jesus. Love The Lord with all your mind heart & soul. Think of what character of Jesus you Love?
If Moses had asked God to bless his story, he would’ve been a rocking sheep herder. Instead God used his herding sheep skills to lead a nation out of slavery, used his desert knowledge to navigate the desert with an entire nation. A story he could not even imagine before stepping in it.
Love seeks knowledge of the beloved. Spending more time with God out of discipline maybe a good start to create a habit but at the end, love stirs affection about who you love. If you dont spend time in the word, it’s because you might not love God as much as you should pursue him.
Feeding the fire require heat wind & wood. Applying the three creates a feedback loop of all three. Applying more and more creates a loop that gets bigger. Love of Jesus should be the same.
If you’re suffering don’t let it be because your own sin. But be faithful through it all.
Spirit of the law vs letter of the law
“Good” is the enemy of “best”.
– Influence follows faithfulness
- speed is the enemy of depth
If you literally can’t lose. What changes in the way you play the game. That applies is the spiritual realm and in business as well.
Unregulated freedom ALWAYS leads to bondage.
Contemplating this morning 7/23/2017:
- How can one be great (disciple, father, husband)
- What’s a battle worth fighting.
When you hang out with someone at Starbucks for 2 hours is it becaus Personality vs character.
You spend time with a person because of their personality.
God.::Jesus is fun. You see his personality in the prodigal son story best. The dad doesn’t talk about the financial loan payment either the son. He just throw a a party.
We learn some things in the classroom we learn a lot in the playground. You just have to try t and it works. God hides things from the wise and reveals it to children. Children play. Adults just try to study.
Business with excellence and mission with impact.
Is there a Compelling truth behind your drive and your call.
Would you call him an enemy. Yes..okay good we have clarity..let’s see what scriptures say about our enemies…yup love them. Love them.
God is a god of abundance. So I celebrate God’s favor in other people’s lives and ministries.
Love 146
Love does
Not for sale
- Let’s not try to motivate millennialist with what motivated us.
- Millennials will change jobs 14 times before they are 40.
Create incredible products and let people discover why you do it.
Islam is like children who mow the lawn, wash the car and clean the house in an attempt to earn their father’s love. Christianity is like children who have been so unbelievably horrible and dishonorable to their father, yet he loves them anyway…so they gladly mow, wash and clean out of great gratitude for a love they don’t deserve.
Live on the energy of what God is doing and not the agony of what God hasn’t don’t yet.
Look at each product as an act of love. Each product is an act of love.
If you don’t take risks you won’t need faith
Success is not whether or not he is healed, but rather whether or not we obeyed and prayed
Kingdom honors simplicity, our world honors complexity because we want to brag about how smart we are
Step into the nudge, it can be really important
Another two tee-worthy thoughts I’ve been pondering:
God doesn’t want you perfect, he wants you faithful.
Perfect is the enemy of excellent.
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