Dear Friends,
God has given me an exciting opportunity this summer. From July 10th through July 20th, I will be joining a team of 7 men on a discipleship mission journey to Lusaka, Zambia – Africa.
Project Samuel; our church’s local partner; have built an orphanage and training center for the local orphans. They dream of growing little Samuels, both men and women that would lead their country in a glorious way!
Our goal on this journey is to:
- Share the love of Christ and spread the gospel in a very practical way.
- As a growing ministry they have a goal to care for the children as well as self sustain the ministry by working on several projects such as providing running water, building a chicken coop, construction, farming & aquaponics. Our team will get to participate on different capacities in these projects by being the hands & feet of Jesus Christ.
- In a country where 86% of the men are either non-employed or self-employed with no reliable source of income, we were asked to conduct a business training for local business owners and farmers to better manage and steward their resources.
- Celebrate Christ!
We will be challenged spiritually, physically & emotionally as a team of 7 men embark on this 10 day, 18,000 mile journey!
I am excited about his portion of the journey because out of the 6 other men, there are men who invested and discipled me as well as other who I invested in and discipled for the past 18 months. In other words there will be 3 spiritual generations of disciples serving Christ along side. This will be a sweet time to both model and celebrate what the Lord has done and will continue to do in our lives as we humbly surrender, pursue Him and seek His kingdom.
It truly is a great opportunity where we all get to see and live the gospel. God continues to amaze me with the new things He chooses to teach everyone including myself!
In order to participate in this trip, each member is responsible for raising $ 3,900 for the cost of the trip. I need to raise a team of individuals who will commit to praying for:
- Cindy – as she heroically & sacrificially once again cares for our two girls while I’m gone
- The excellence & the completion of the work that we are asked to do
- The young Samuels that we get to interact with
- The men participating on the trip
- The local community we are serving
I also pray for a team who is able to give financially to support this journey. I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider investing in my ministry this coming summer either through prayer or through a financial gift. Any gift would be much appreciated.
Any additional funds that are raised will be used to help sponsor other team members or assist in purchasing supplies for the ministry.
I really would appreciate it if you could respond by July 10th.
Giving is tax-deductible and can be made to Faithbridge either online, by check or by mail.
Checks can be mailed to:
Faithbridge - Adult Missions C/O Ash Metry - Zambia Trip 18000 Stuebner Airline Road Spring, Texas 77379
If you choose a check, I would appreciate it if you include “Zambia Mission – Ash Metry” in the memo section of the check.
You can also give securely online through
- Visit
- Select Zambia.
- Signup or Login to your account
- Select my name & your desired contribution amount from the dropdown
Once again, thank you for choosing to invest in the Kingdom and in my ministry.
I am truly thrilled about the opportunity for our team to make a difference in the kingdom for God’s glory & for His kingdom;
Thank you for your unfailing love, support, and prayers!
-Ash Metry
…Gideon, Barak, Samson and Jephthah, about David and Samuel and the prophets, who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. Hebrews 11:32-34
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