That’s been the big question in my head since I quit my job! It’s much easier to filter out what I don’t want to do as opposed to what I do want to do!
This has mostly been my week for the past several years:
168 hours / week (24×7)
- 50 hours (30%) at work
- 49 hours (29%) sleeping
- 30 hours (18%) family
- 15 hours (9%) hobbies
- 13 hours (8%) lost somewhere unknown
- 8 hours (5%) church + small group + quiet time
- 3 hours (2%) on the toilet (I like to poop & read, not recommended!)
Most people have a very similar breakdown (with the exception of #7) of hours. & the truth is, the better you do in #1, the more freedom & liberties you have 2-7!
- You sleep better because you have a job & able to provide
- You can afford to go on vacations and spend more quality time with your family
- You are able to financially fund things your care about (ex. church, missions, ministries)
- ..etc
The most common plan is (aka. the american dream):
- Get the best education possible
- Get a good job
- Find a good wife (bonus if she’s hot)
- Make cute babies
- Tithe / Donate / Volunteer (mostly to feel good about yourself)
- Risk enough to advance but not too much that you become a fanatic
- Cheat at work or on your spouse (duh!).
- Focus only on making money
- Lose track of what really matters (most people really don’t even know what that is)
For me, I care about #6 (5%) way more than I care about #1 (30%) yet I spend 6x the time doing what I care less about because it simply pays & allow me to do the other things! Is that an acceptable cost? Maybe..Maybe not? Who gets to decide?
As a Christian, we are called to be difference makers & kingdom builders & not just safe corporate players. Not that being a safe corporate player is a bad thing. Not at all, but the reality is it is a cop out by many not to surrender their heart and submit to God’s exciting plan in favor of their own or for fear of truly following Jesus.
The truth is that God called his people to be salt and light to the world. We are meant to give flavor & shine in a dying world. That’s a 100% in or out mission. Not 5% at church or the 30% at work!
The reality is there has always been a division in my life between what’s sacred & what’s secular. In my next season of life, My plan is to have less boundaries by finding a way to directly & fully impact the kingdom. 100%!
I wonder what the breakdown of Jesus’s week looked like?
..and lets face it, the worst thing that can happen is I’ll have to get up & a get a job! Right?
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